Tuesday 10 January 2017

Hope Research

The gorilla is also holding a club, which says “Kultur” on it, which means culture in German. The club has blood on the top part and the gorilla is holding it like a weapon, symbolizing that the weapon he is carrying has, because of the blood, and will destroy cultures. (again subtext- can link to Obama and say less subtext. Modern age.)

'This kind of poster is free from ambiguity, but not romanticisms' – Compare to above.

'Politics is often a war of duelling propagandas.

'Circumvent the innate resistance to propaganda and rouse the electorate. Hope is the graphic essence of the campaign.'

'Visual depictions that instill pride.. are every bit as necessary as those that trigger a negative reaction.'

'Heroic, blemish-free effigies of leaders are rigueur.'

pg 50- 100 ideas ^^^

widely distributed during 2008, Shepard Fairey

Obama provides us hopes.

We don’t understand those two elements separately and we don’t understand the picture by looking at the strokes and colours either. This process corresponds with the term “combinatoriality.” (this can link to Kruger!!!!!!) Perhaps the mad brute has enough contextualisation to work without the words- perhaps this is a reflection of modern society,

are in intersubjective and dynamic meaning systems that  can be recontextualized and reinterpreted Signs are not “conclusions” or particular objects or pure representations but are potential concepts, meanings, and interpretations that are waiting for people to build new concepts based on them. Figure 2 is the poster used for the “Occupy Movement” that is inspired by the “Hope” poster. The image from the movie V for Vendetta implies the “hope” of the movement, i.e. fighting for “inequity” of the society. (link to how Krugers has been used on a wider scale to mean more than it did in the beginning.)

Another thing I noticed about the colors that the analysis did not talk about in detail was the dark red on one half of the poster and the soft blue on the other. These color choices seem to show that Obama can be very stern and commanding if he needs to be, but is also very sincere and caring towards others. (again the all the posters show parallels of not just good and evil, but of compassion and direction.)

fact that a graffitist made the poster (compare to Hopps WW1 (very regarded))

All the posters have a direct face looking out, shows direction power (things both protest art and propaganda have)

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