Tuesday 22 November 2016

Exploring Ideas for Studio Brief 2

Ways I Could Produce My Project Visually
  • Produce parallels of propaganda posters and protest posters advocating the same message.
  • Change well known propaganda posters into protest posters.
  • Use modern day issues to create traditional propaganda- how the government still has an ideal citizen and specific behaviours they prefer.  
  • Could make the government a protest organisation, using posters with radical techniques. 
  • Produce corresponding propaganda with protest posters, depicted story between too forces. Could use same forceful styles and colour pallets.  
  • Posters highlighting how it can be extreme to manipulate views and possibly unethical. 
  • Change protest posters into a format that can be more ideological rather than manipulative (a zine for example, or a film.)
Does the aim of my project need to be highlighting the unethical issues surrounding posters like this?

  • Making propaganda posters for ridiculous ideas with persuasive techniques 'the bananas are going to take over the world.'  

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