Thursday 24 November 2016

Initial quotes and Research

Below are some of the quotes I have collated that have given me inspiration and and direction for my triangulation and referencing essay.

“Propaganda marshalled the faithful. It did not win over the wavering or the opposed.” (Curran and Seaton 1981)

Machoiavelli has said “The great majority of mankind are satisfied with appearances, as though they were realities, and are often more influenced by the things that seem than by those that are.”

(Niccolo Machoiavelli)
One poster workshop put it 'information to undermine all that other information- all that $$$$'.

'Posters have to be sharp, attractive and to the point, as well as exploiting ancient prejudices, showing a good knowledge of how people think and using the techniques that sway opinion.' (Husband 2014) pg 8

'Propaganda is as old war itself, as old as politics and as old as the time when early members of mankind first began to exchange threats and hurtful words.' (Husband 2014)

“For the great majority of mankind are satisfied with appearances, as though they were realities, and are often more influenced by the things that seem than by those that are.” (Niccolo Machoiavelli)

“Their interest in issues of campaign must be secured by coordinating it with personal interest.” (propaganda pg 117)

“Generally pre-digested and made palatable for mass consumption.” (Barnicoat) (posters a concise history.) Manipulation present is here, not just playing on pre-existing values.

Edward Bernay's book Propaganda was written in 1928 and outlined the theory of advertising and publicity to the world. In the 1930s propaganda took on a more sinsister meaning associated with the Nazi ministery of propaganda and enlightenment. Which suggests why most of his theory outlines the manipulation and his opinion that views are quite selfish in their own gain. (Heller and Vienne 2012)

“[World War I] was the most colossal, murderous, mismanaged butchery that has ever taken place on this earth. Any writer who said otherwise lied, so the writers either wrote propaganda, shut up or fought.” - Ernest Hemingway

'some individuals of high social status had little effect on other people's views, while some of low status were important opinion leaders.' Katz and Lazarsfeld study of women 'opinion leaders.' (Power without responsibility)
… 'Personal influence 'intervened' between the message of the mass media and its reception by the public. Consequently it impeded any attempt at mass indoctrination.' (power without responsibility.)

''Being in control' became, for many women, as much a matter of finding ways to exercise control over their lives as of fighting back against controls imposed on them or defending their achievements.' (McQuiston 1997)
'Visibility and empowerment became words for the same goal: self determination and nothing less.'

'1990s have been about being angry and taking action: having something to say, and saying it through fanzines, queerzines, electronic zines, music, email, faxes or other forms of communications technology.'

The manipulation of public opinion to accept the elite’s agenda.

'The state (or those in power) need to have ways to control and influence the public whose opinions – or sometimes lack of them – are relied on for continued power. As Noam Chomsky has explained, governments and businesses in liberal democracies cannot hold power over their own people through force in the way that they could a century ago, so “public relations” was invented, in order that those in power may control the people. “Propaganda,” said Chomsky, “is to a democracy what the bludgeon is to a totalitarian state.”1

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