Sunday 6 November 2016

OUGD401- Finding Reasearch Resources

Potential starting quotes:
'History enables us to view ourselves and society in a proper perspective, to focus on human motives and the consequences of them for other individuals or for society, and to enhance our knowledge of the potential, as well as the limitations, of human actions.'
McDowell, M. (2001) Historical research: A Guide. London: Longman.

'What's miraculous is not that great graphic design, employing shock, wit, and clarity borne of urgency, can move people to action, to acts of courage and sacrifice, overcoming habit and fear. [...] What's truly miraculous is that, as hard as it is to make the perfect poster - and it must be immensely hard - someone nearly always seems to be on hand to do the job when the time demands it.'
Kushner, T., Glaser, M. (2006) The design of dissent. Beverly, USA: Rockport.
  • Is it ethical to use graphic design to persuade people to go to great lengths of sacrifice?
  • Propaganda used in wartime vs modern day.
  • How we should use design for an ideology not an agenda. 
  • Difference between expression and manipulation.
  • Propaganda vs protest.
  • How women have used protest and persuasion for empowerment. 

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