Tuesday 30 October 2018

Essay - Presentation Feedback

Presentation Feedback:

The focus of my essay was going to be on the history of women's magazines and their contextual relationship with the status of women. Generally the feedback for this was that it was too broad. Although each aspect of the history was well researched, it wouldn't be applicable to current practices of design. The advice was to look at more current and contemporary magazines in order for it to be more relevant. I can reference history, but it can't be the main focus. I should look at current feminist publications.

Tutorial Feedback:

The tutorial took the the idea of the essay in a different direction. We talked more about feminist graphic design and how feminist movements co-opt graphic design to express themselves. Moving away from the magazine focus. This could be interesting to explore and may actually be more relevant to my personal practice. However, all my research up to this point has been about magazines, so I may have to be very selective about what I can use. Some potential themes were:
  • The aesthetic of feminism vs the ideology of feminism. Do people jump on it for how it looks more than the body of thought? E.g. Frida Kahlo phenomenon.
  • How do contemporary feminist graphic designers communicate with their audiences? How do they use graphic design as a tool for influencing change?
  • Zine culture/digital zines.
  • How has the history of feminist magazine design influenced contemporary publications?
  • How feminist movements co-opt graphic design to express themselves.

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