Monday 15 October 2018

Essay - Initial Question and Essay Plan

In order to establish an essay question using the knowledge I have gathered so far, I wrote each topic that sprung to mind on a piece of paper, and then tried to arrange them by theme.

I then divided these into topics, what seemed most clear was to organise them into 1st wave, 2nd wave and 3rd wave publication topics. This meant that as an essay it could move chronologically and lead to question being formulated.

1st Wave Feminism
2nd Wave Feminism
3rd Wave Feminsim

What is the historical relationship between women's magazines and the role of women within society?
  • Introduction
  • Rise of the class system and the first magazines produced in response to this.
  • Suffrage publications and health pamphlets – select women looking for liberation.
  • The rise in necessity of advertisements, appeasing advertisers and the female market.
  • Domestic side of women's magazines and their lack of political stance.
  • Feminist outliers and alternative publications, such as Nova, Riposte.
  • Participatory media such as zines in 'Riot Grrrl' era.
  • 'Glossies'.
  • Discernible characteristic from first magazines to current.
  • Conclusion – strong relationship, but perhaps magazines are becoming outdated? Can magazines truly keep up with the current role of women, at the same speed as the internet.

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