Tuesday 30 October 2018

Pracical - Mimeorgraph Printing

I briefly looked at printing methods that could be used for the practical work, one of the theories I had was to make an authentic feminist publication based on women's rights pamphlet made in previous years. This could be to re-brand one in a modern setting, or to use modern content in a publication created using old fashioned printing methods. This included mimeography, which I did some brief research into. This could be something I explore further for the practical work.

Risomania - The new spirit of printing by John Z. Komurki

From this I realised that mimeograph printing is a painstaking stencil process and could be difficult to recreate, however presses do still exist as they are relatively cheap to use as do not need electricity. Risograph printing is an interesting and more available evolution of this process. Mimeograph is more important in the sense of what it stands for, its memorable impact was on 'small-scale independent publishing. Being so cheap, easy to use and flexible, it enabled artists, writers and agitators to disseminate their work more quickly than ever before.' It created a revolution in printmaking and allowed people to spread their ideas, without having to spend lots of money.

'Each of these small press momeo-gangs participated in a 'collage' aesthetic. Working as tiny collectives they experimented patching new media together in unique designs and cobinations. Presentation, delivery, politics and authorship were challenged... Ideas that were soon spilling over into the contemporary art scene battled there way awkwardly and beautifully through the pages of these small journals.' - Detroit filmmaker and beat veteran Cary Loren.

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