Monday 24 April 2017

Collage Experimentation

Content development began by experimenting with overlaying biro on the collages, yet this appeared too aggressive. The collages needed to look carefully constructed, almost like surreal versions of reality. 

To reference the politics a collage was created featuring politicians, arranged in a radical position in order to connote the gay Marge law that Theresa May voted against. It was important to directly reference politics in this poster series as there needed to be a clear link to political branding which can be deceiving. Students are also very involved in politics and would respond to this, and the client, the society, is extremely involved in left wing politics.

For the third and final collage, photographs were taken of a face reflected in a phone in order to communicate misguidance from things seen/read in the media/on phones. This was an interesting concept, however it was very difficult to create a piece around it. It works as a photograph but finding content that should exist 'outside' of the phone in the collage, is harder as it needs to specifically relate. 

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