Saturday 22 April 2017

Prototype 1 Development

Initial sketches:

I wanted to relate the messages of propaganda to vegetables, in order for it to seem ridiculous. By having dictators overly characterised it becomes clear how they shouldn't have the amount of power they do.

They have been drawn to resemble a propaganda style with rays coming from the centre and jagged lines to symbolise power. The cartoon style of the vegetables it to maintain the quirky satire of the designs, yet with the powerful symbol in the background it reiterates the power of dictators. There was much experimentation to design a symbol that would communicate this, with power and notes of past regime symbols.

Colours were then added, starting with soft pastel colours to seem playful. Whereas there was then some experimentation with red and cream in order to connote Fairey's Obey style of design. This of course resembles propaganda with its use of colour, again making the satire more obvious.

The problem with these designs is that we don't have an issue with propaganda like this in modern society. We certainly have posters like 'Hope' but they are never as aggressive as these vegetables posters portray them to be. In future I need to look at current regressed forms of propaganda, so that their persuasive language and use of emotive manipulation can be paralleled in poster form to reflect modern society. These designs are almost too goofy.

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