Saturday 10 November 2018

Essay - Advanced Question and Tutorial Feedback

Contemporary feminist publications. How magazines are important because they are tangible and can offer communication on another level. They have survived because they are vehicle for feminists.


Define the meaning of the feminist publication. Important as a vehicle, talk about audience, how publications have always been used. 

1) Historical Chapter

looking at past waves and publications, Audience - Context - Design. Less about what they did and more about how publications were used to communicate. Discussing how feminist publications have been made in each wave of feminism.

1910s suffrage - Art art nouveau, traditional, conservative. The designs were presented so that both men and women would consider taking them seriously. Considered audience in how they communicated. The women was presented as feminist and a mother.

1960s - more radical approach

More recent publications are professional, heading up the patriarchy. Whereas in past years its been zines etc. Post-modern.

2) Conventions of Femininity 

How modern day feminists avoid the image of the women because of its links to femininity and pre-exhisting connotations. Feminist imagery.

3) Feminist Movements and Design Theories


1000 words?


Experiment and think about the route. Could either create a completely new and separate feminist publication or perhaps I could rebrand a suffrage publication in a modern day context.

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