Sunday 11 November 2018

Essay - Third Wave Feminism - (Un)fashionable Feminists by Kristyn Gorton

Popular representations of feminism in the media sell, in fact it is considered that 'women's 'liberation' is a marketable commodity.' pg 212. Time article tells its readers 'in the 70s, feminism produced a pop culture that was intellectually provocative. Today it's a whole lot of stylish stuff.' Bellafante 56, cited pg 212 > bibliography page 222. This could be interesting to explore in the section of the essay about the aesthetic of feminism vs the ideology.

This suggests that 'feminism has evolved into a movement concerned with style over substance: the personal has apparently triumphed over the political.' Whether this is true or not, it does aid the construction of women as consumers, for whom feminism is reduced from a political movement to a certain style that can be bought. pg 213. Is feminism is a fashion statement to an extent?

Some modern women want 'the benefits of feminism without running the risk of being associated with the criticisms of feminism.' pg 214

There is some thought that 'feminism has moved from a 'we' solifarity of the 1960s and 1970s to a 'me' based feminism in the twenty-first century.' pg 215 - Can be discussed in the community of modern feminism and how magazines reduced the 'individual' approach.

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