Sunday 4 November 2018

Essay - Renewing Feminisms - Rebranding Feminism - Sue Thornham

Rebranding Feminism Notes:

Key Points:

A lot of feminist work omits the image of the women all together. This texts believes this is because the image of 'the women' is tightly bound to consumerism and first world femininity is 'denaturalised' by feminist depictions. In order to remove the critical voice of the viewer, the image of the woman is removed.

It also discusses how the young female viewer is educated in irony and visual culture and so can engage with post-feminist advertisement in a different way. This involves reflexivity and the acknowledgment of 'the knowing reader' and these are characteristics of feminism. Adriana Cavarero calls this the 'feminist impulse to self-narration'.

Another part I found particularly interesting was how it discussed how in the past women have entered feminism through personal experience or involvement in social activism, currently exposure to American pop culture has been a bigger cause for younger feminists. I'd like to explore this further and research to what extent feminism is spreading due to its popularity, not its ideology.

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