Wednesday 28 November 2018

Essay - Tutorial 28.11.18

It was suggested in this tutorial that the content of the current essay is too broad and needs a refined question in order to direct it further. By situating the subject matter within 4th wave feminism it should mean that the relevance of modern feminist publications becomes more obvious. We also discussed using 4th wave feminist theorists for this. In addition, the essay needs more contemporary examples and reference to the multiple platforms that feminist media can be presented on. Finally, something to help structure the essay would be referencing three feminist writers and their definitions of feminism, this should then lead on to how feminist publications communicate feminist ideology.

Improved Essay Questions:
  • How do feminist publications communicatate/engage with their audience? (original)
  • What is the role of modern feminist publications in current 4th wave feminism?
  • Are feminist publications still relevant within 4th wave feminism? 
  • How are feminist publications still relevant in 4th wave feminism?
  • Why are feminist publications still relevant within the digital age of fourth-wave feminism?

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