Tuesday 18 December 2018


To conclude, the design proves that modern, feminist ideas can still be successfully communicated in the publication format, which offers attributes quite separate from online. A physical publication creates high impact and requires interaction, whilst online feminist communication is distant and removed. Headstrong has been designed with restraint and simplicity in order to have high impact, but perhaps it can be considered too simple. 


In order to be just has stimulating as online, it could have been developed to offer unrelenting content – so the viewer is constantly engaged with the work. Similar to one of my initial design ideas involving a more colour based approach. Yet from research it suggests magazines are still relevant because they offer something different, they offer a break from online communication. Recreating the constant stimulation of online in a physical format would be redundant. That being said, an online presence for Headstrong could have been further developed for the magazine since this is necessary for feminist magazines to create a reputation for themselves and to ensure sales – perhaps a website and Instragram could have been developed to show willingness to interact with online culture. In some ways this has been acknowledged by the way I have disseminated the magazine on Issuu and the fact the authors Instagram handles have been included.

One of the main characteristics of the fourth-wave feminism is a new and developed focus on intersecting oppressions. In order for Headstrong to be relevant it needed to portray intersectional ideals. Although the cover was chosen for its diverse and intersectional message, with fruit used as a symbol for diversity of size and colour, and the authors ranged in race, age, sexuality and size - the content still could have been more intersectional. This is something incredibly important to push in modern feminist design and could have been taken further in Headstrong. 

Overall the design exemplifies reasons for the continual relevance of feminist publications and has been printed to a professional standard. In many ways feminist publications may always be relevant, as they communicate a message which engages the reader in a physical way - tt calls them to action and confronts them with feminist ideas, whilst online writing can seem separate and distant from the reader. Headstrong has been designed explicitly to be as physically engaging as possible and exemplifies the characteristics which cause feminists to continue to invest in such publications.

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