Sunday 16 December 2018

Practical - Typeface Development

After getting feedback on the initial experimental spreads I began to finalise the typefaces that will be used throughout the magazine. For the main body text, the sans-serf typeface Calibre has been used. This is because it is most important that the content is easy to read, since research suggests clear and concise communication is key, which is how magazines compete with digital communication. The header titles are also written in Calibre for this reason, in lowercase, however from feedback it has been suggested that this should be changed to match the logo typeface of Headstrong, ZapfHumunst, in order to feel more cohesive.

ZapfHumunst has been used for the titles of each essay as shown below, which is clear, bold and honest. The typeface itself has some serifs, but has been chosen for it simplicity.

Finally, Caslon has been used for the quotes outset in the text, this means there is some personality given to the quotes made by the authors, which is important for the reader to feel more connected to the writers. The serif typeface seems professional and traditional, creating some contrast with the sans-serif. As discussed previously, it almost suggests an intersection of traditional masculine and feminine aesthetics.


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