Sunday 16 December 2018

Practical - Final Stock and Texture

For the final piece 'Museum Heritage' card was used for the cover. This created a thick and luxurious texture and improved the sensory experience of the publication entirely. As Pender has said, 'print is sensory, the smell and the feel each add something different to the content' (people of print) and this makes the publication desirable and more professional and valuable than the modes of dissemination online. It immediately engages the reader in an experience, confronting them with the content. Whilst online can seem very distanced and removed, this feels far more linked to the authors and the community. This stock is perfect to display 'a high degree of detail and pronounced texture' which makes the publication seem trustworthy and professional - people or more likely to trust the publications legitimacy if it is printed on high quality stock. Pender has also said that 'something committed to print holds more weight in the eye of the reader than something online,' (2015). Suggesting the quality of the print may also encourage the importance felt about the publication.

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