Sunday 16 December 2018

Practical - Grid Developments

After doing some research in 'Layout Essentials' by Beth Tondreau, I began to develop to the grid that would be used for the magaizine layout. From research, it has been suggested that magazines are still relevant because of their simple communication of information. As a result, I wanted to apply a grid that was simple and would make the images and writing the entire focus. Not too crowded or overwhelming, as this is the problem with current online communication.

From looking at other magazines on the market, it became apparent that having two columns for text is being commonly adopted at the moment. As Layout Essentials suggests, this means that there is enough negative space so that it allows the content to breathe. By having three columns it can be overwhelming. This grid layout also allows for single columns for information, in the center, which should allow for some variation in layout to keep the reader interested.

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