Sunday 16 December 2018

Practical - First Mockup Crit and Improvements

After several general comments about the magazine, such as the typeface of the headers and the typesetting of some paragraphs, there a more general discussion about the content of some of the spreads.

For the essay called "Your Nipple Should Be Here", I used photographs of fruit to indicate variety in body size. However, for this double page spread, once in was printed, the colour was far more dull. People suggested the red lines also weren't very visible on some of the darker fruit. So instead, in order to convey the theme of breast surgery I edited the image to appear faded and bright - almost like the experience of anesthesia. Whilst the red lines remained bright, making a bolder statement and taking into consideration the printing process.

Mockup 1
Final Design

Another element discussed previously was how the text box of this page detracts from the image, dulling its impact. As a result I developed the page so that the remaining text came underneath the image, encouraging a greater connection between the reader and the figures in the image. Allowing them to stand out and have impact - without being hidden behind a box.

Mockup 1
Final Design

This was a spread that I decided to delete from the magazine. The colour of the underwear was dulled by the printing process and the image quality felt unprofessional. It was also suggested that in all the previous essays the title has followed a certain format, not being placed on a double page spread, this however stuck out and didn't seem cohesive. Instead I developed it so that the title was placed on the following page, which appeared far more organised and considered. This was a spread that people agreed conveyed a far more concise message.

Mockup 1

Final Design

Again, linking to the previous spread, the image involving the underwear appeared in bad quality when printed, and didn't fit the general aesthetic of the magazine. As a result, the same style of the previous two spreads was adopted. Despite the fact the photographs took time to organise, in order for the magazine to appear more professional and cohesive, they needed to be cut.

Mockup 1
Final Design

One of the features I originally included was the 'Penpal' page at the end, to encourage readers to build a community and connect with other readers, as my research suggests that most successful feminists magazines are ones that nurture and develop strong community. However, from feedback it was suggested this page wasn't in keeping with the concept or aesthetic of the magazine. The publication is essentially a collection of feminist essays and the idea of having a penpal within the community doesn't entirely fit with that. Instead I developed it so that the final page offered readers the chance to write their own essays for the magazine. This offers community and keeps within the themes of the magazine. I also changed the page so that it was more minimalist, without a chaotic background. The layout is far more cohesive and means the writing isn't 'lost' within the composition.

I also wanted to include a quote on the last page, however in my initial mockup I wasn't using the Caslon typeface which I had used throughout the publication for quotes. It made far more sense to change it to Caslon, helping it have more personality and importance on the page. I also moved it onto a white background, as once printed the blue felt too dark for the quote to stand out.

Mockup 1
Final Design
Final Design

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