Sunday 16 December 2018

Practical - Final Cover Experiments

Because the initial print of the photograph didn't come out well, one of my experiments was to use the just the outline of the illustrations. This perhaps would have worked better, but conceptually it completely negates from the intersectional theme I am trying to convey. Instead I also tried an image that was better quality, but only pictured two fruits. This again might look better in print, but does not show diversity or range.

I also experimented with the photo overlay style I looked at in Vice magazine. This was so the texture might be less noticeable when the content was overlaid. It also was meant to convey an intersection of images, linked by the Headstrong logo, this however felt too ambiguous.

Finally I decided to develop the original cover and use a different stock, one sided, so the inkjet printer could be used for a better finish. This felt like a far better approach for a tactile experience, plus it meant that the image involving all of the fruit could be used, as it works best in conveying an intersectional, diverse theme. The stock I plan to use for the cover is 'Museum Heritage', which is thick and rough and should absorb a lot of colour consistently. It has been described as allowing 'a high degree of detail and pronounced texture', which will be perfect for the tactile experience I have researched is essential.

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