Tuesday 24 April 2018

Brief Research into Dada Links with Punk - Failed Direction

'It represented a willingness by the artist to engage with the modern world, specifically with new technology, manifesting this new approach through both content and technique.' - dada is about modern ideas?? Or breaking them (find comparative) -the photomontage concept

Hoch who gave images of women a substantial presence. She elected the fragments that make up her women from a wide spectrum of mass-media publications, drawing of the proliferation of images of women in magazines and advertising in the 1920s and reflecting on women's status as both subject and object of advertising, alternately revered and exploited.' - talk about how some aspects of dada did not reflect this, how some aspects of punk were similar to this e.g. Kruger. p.g.107

Dada's Women, Ruth Hemus

'We never promised anybody anything; we looked for something indefinable, the essence, the meaning, the structure of a new life. And so we became dadaists.'

'There is no intention of hurting anyone, only the desire to express and opinion.' - (about songs) no violence/aggression.

'Any attempt on my part to take dada seriously was always howlingly rejected by the dadists. Nothing was so difficult as convincing the dadists themselves that dada was anything more than a gag.'

'We could scream out everything that we were bursting with.' punk links?

- memoirs of a dada drummer, richard huelsenbeck. new life not breaking life.

Was punk just a poor immitation of the ideas of dada - freedom, without being defined by society. Dada fuelled with hope, punk fuelled with rage.

Collage focus!!!!

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