Tuesday 24 April 2018

Visual Investigation Critique 14/3/18

After discussing the idea of creating collages that are political propaganda, someone suggested that I look at 'Beat the Whites with the Red Wedge' which is a lithographic Soviet propaganda poster by artist Lazar Markovich Lissitzky. The piece is a collage of shapes but it clearly conveys the political message of dissent - 'the intrusive red wedge symbolizes the Bolsheviks, who are penetrating and defeating their opponents, the White movement, during the Russian Civil War.' Of course this is still a work by the protest group and not the authority - can the authority ever use something as controversial as this piece without destabilising their image? The investigation could partly explore this.

It was also suggested in the crit that a more experimental approach be taken, with lots of outcomes that could be produced in a publication - this was something I wanted to explore further. The end result could even be that the attempt doesn't work - but it is important to test the theory.

The final advice was that making a campaign is taking the work too far - it isn't plausible or possible that a government would create a collage campaign in the styles I have researched.

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