Wednesday 25 April 2018

Invert Experiments

For part of the project I wanted to recreate the 'Beat the Whites with the Red Wedge' from the perspective of the White Movement in the Russian Civil War. To do this I thought it would be interesting to invert the collages to create some interesting aged textures and to achieve a vivid black background.

I was unsure how to invert colours successfully so I did some experiments, making sure what colour the card I was using would come out as.

This meant I was able to know the exact tones that would come out of the inverts. The piece eventually was developed to show the red wedge retreating from the white circle, to reflect the athority's power and stability. The sharp lines and movement are interesting, but the don't employ collage in the same way that has been explored in my essay. The research suggests a good collage needs to be 'visibly shattered', whereas this outcome seems quite controlled.

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