Tuesday 24 April 2018

Quotes About Collage Divided into Categories


'Both are subversive but thankfully punk appears to be less absurd and abstract about it subversiveness' talking about Dada and punk, philosophy of punk pg 33

'our freedom from preconceived ideas about process and techniques frequently led us beyond the frontiers of the individual artistic categories.' pg 57 Dada art and anti art


'They made free use of photographic reporting for the purpose of political attack.' 116 dada art and anti art.

'he needed an art that engaged with the overwelming circulation of mechanically reproduced imagery' 173 panik attack

'today probably the most familiar set of photomontaging is that of advertising' photomontage pg 159

The inflated claims of advertising mobilize the strategies of collage to disguise a product's lack of use value and, by associating it with some image or other instantiation of cultural capital, increase the appearance of exchange value.



'A number of figures used collage to address the representation of body and gender, including Linder and Barbara Kruger.' - 13-14 Panik attack
  • talk about the secret police, featured photomontages which were called from pornography/glossy magazines.
'Dada artists introduced the human figure into their photomontages in a way hat announced their anti-art and anti bourgeoisie ideals.' 172 panik attack


Earliest fine art collages were those made by Pablo Picaso and George Braque in about 1911-12 in which the artists incorperated everyday non-art objects into their paintings – page 172 panik attack

Bretons movement 'the notion of the creative space of dreams was traslated into collages and photomontages by its members' 172 panik

Collage began in Zurich and added a new dimention of 'alienation' to photography – dada art and anti art

'A new 'surreality' would emerge through the subversion of common sense, the collapse of prevelant logical categories and oppositions (e.g. dream/reality, work/play) and the celebration of the abnormal and the forbidden. Reverdy 1918, subculture the meaning of style

'succeed in differing from the objects which surround us, by simple change of role' subculture the meaing of style 105/131??

'Cut ups and collages, no matter how bizarre, do not change so much as rearrange things' pd 131

'Relaationship with the image was a problem; it was what sealed the world as other. It had to be brought closer, and cutting [the image] was an act of violence, a way of punctuating things with horror.' not about creating but tearing down? Attak page 174


'Immedicacy, affordability and accessibility' panik attack

'More extreme in complexity than futuritic paintings' page 116 dada art and anti art

Hausmann created 'visual manifestos, a concentration of space and time that opposes its own complexity to that of the time' pg 37 dada the revolt of art

Glorious liberation to work simply' Linder


''Ensures the medium a long and richly productive span of life' for collage page 116 dada art and anti art

'Collage as a medium is continually transforming, subsiding, leaping into unexplored areas and growing' – collage tecnqiue, Gerald Brommer.

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