Wednesday 25 April 2018

Improved Brief

Brief Title: 

Making a publication to explore the idea of the British authority creating collages to communicate their ideas - or if in actual fact, collages are defined by their subversiveness.


To create a zine or publication exploring the ideas the government might put forward in collage format. This is to point out that collages are generally only employed for subversive reasons by dissenting groups. Is it possible that a collage can be used politically without seeming angry and passionate? For a Government needs to appear stable to have success. This publication will be small experimental, aimed at a young, politically engaged audiences - potentially sold in places like Village Bookstore.

Background Considerations:

Consider who to convey the aims of the different parties.
Consider a consistent style that can be adopted.
Consider it may not work - you can make the collages but they most likely will appear inherently subversive.


A small printed publication.

Mandatory Requirements:

Use collage
Reference politics
Has to be appealing for a young, politically engaged audience.


A style the collages can be made in

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