Wednesday 25 April 2018

Essay Research Influencing Designs

  • 'Photography as material to create... a new entity which tore from the chaos of war and revolution an entirely new image' - The designs need to be new and fresh, building on positive ideas and not targeting pitfalls or negatives within society.
  • 'Overturn the very idea of narrative representation and to challenge the restrictions on materials and techniques.' - The works cannot be explicit or direct interpretations of reality, they need to show some ambiguity. They also need to be experimental and unabashed about mistakes or flaws. 
  • 'Subversion of common sense, the collapse of prevalent logical categories and oppositions (e.g. dream/reality, work/play) and the celebration of the abnormal and the forbidden.' This could be an issue as the Government needs to be rooted in sense (or have the appearance it does) and cannot ever 'celebrate' the forbidden. This is something the collages will not be able to communicate. 
  • 'Cutting [the image] was an act of violence, a way of punctuating things with horror.' - Again an issue. The current governemnt is not totalitarian, it cannot strike fear. Yet often chopping an image will do this, even if it is not the intention.  

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