Wednesday 25 April 2018

Type Experiments

After creating several experimental collages for the publication, type was developed to convey the messages of the collages.

The bauhaus typeface shows an experimental style, matched well for a collage. However the style detracts from the piece.
Using the serif typeface Caslon does appear classic, however it is not bold enough to make a statement.
Using a handwritten style typeface intended to make the design seem more spontaneous, yet it is obvious the type is automated and does not seem spontaneous at all.
Impact could be good to send a strong political message but again detracts from the piece.
OCR std typeface is inspired by David Carson's collage work, it shows the supposed mindlessness and de=disregard for legibility but it seems too confronting to be used in this publication.
In the end Raavi was chosen at the typeface, with large tracking and slightly smaller kerning. This is to seem subtle but considered - as often collages are discussed for their precision as well as their passion.

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