Tuesday 24 April 2018

Study Task 3 - Parody and Pastiche

Textual analysis of Linda Hutcheon and Frederic Jameson's work on parody and pastiche. Referencing this could be relevant for my essay, as often collages are reinterpretations of already established work.

Pastiche is often 'random stylistic allusions' according to Jameson (1991, p18). However, Hutcheon disagrees and states that 'there is absolutely nothing random or “without principle” in parodic recall and re-examination of the past' (1986, p186). She suggests that if something is pastiche, like collage, it can still be considered and principled. In fact, Hutcheon has also said that 'to include irony and play is never necessarily to exclude seriousness and purpose to postmodernist art.' Which could be why collage lends itself so perfectly to subversion, as despite its often playful nature, it still has the potential to make serious political commentary.

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