Thursday 26 April 2018

Initial Cop 3 Proposal

1.     How important were the political cartoons surrounding the women’s suffrage movement for their eventual success?
2.     This is something I want to undertake as it is a topic I am passionate about and believe there will be a lot of resources on the subject. I have a particular interest in old fashioned posters too.
3.     This will have a political and historical context.
4.     Theoretical Approach 1: Research the designs in favour of the movement and compare the success to that of those against the movement. Approach 2: Undress the style of the posters and why they were particularly motivating for women.
5.     Secondary, a lot of content analysis. Could also conduct a museum trip to see authentic posters from the time in person.
6.     I plan to produce a graphic novel in the style of the suffragette works, similar to Maus perhaps.
7.     Resources – digital print, the library.
8.     Summer reading list: Cartooning for Suffrage by Alice Sheppard, Sex and Suffrage in Britain 1860-1914 by Susan Kent, The Women’s Suffrage movement: New Feminist Ferspectives by Maroula Joannou and Jane Purvis, JOURNAL ARTICLE "The Most Beautiful Suffragette": Inez Milholland and the Political Currency of Beauty, An early supporter of women’s rights (pp. 172-175) – Treasures from UCL (jstor)
9.     Time management: Summer= read, create sketches, do research into historical cartoons. September – write rough outline of essay and begin formulating sketchs for visual outcome. October – Develop essay and visual outcome. November – Finish essay and seek feedback, also attempt a print of the graphic novel. December – Finishing elements and final touches, perfect the essay.

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